Sunday 28th of April 2024

English Tamil

Extremist Killer in New Zealand planned an attack in Sri Lanka

2021-09-08 7756

“New Zealenders should be attacked to teach them a lesson” – Samsudeen’s facebook account


-Harald Newspaper-


(Nilanthi Manel Chandrasena)

The New Zealand Intelligence Unit has found that ISIS extremist, Mohamed Samsudeen, who stabbed 6 New Zealanders recently and was shot dead by New Zealand Police, was planning to come to Sri Lanka with the intention of carrying out an attack on New Zealanders staying in Sri Lanka.

His intention had come to light with his comments and posts in his face book account. The Intelligent Officers have also detected after scrutinizing his face book account that he was suffering from the mentality of carrying out a brutal attack on New Zealanders living in Sri Lanka to teach them a lesson.

His move had been revealed by the New Zealand Herald Newspaper.
